Grade 9 - Achieving Peak Performance - Test Preparation
- Paper cover
- 0.3 lbs
Item #8-APP9--
A Special Action Plan Designed to Help Your Child Do His Best on Standardized Achievement Tests
This test features 90 exercises in six skill sets covering the core areas of language arts and math. For a more abbreviated test, see the One-Hour Practice edition.
Why This Product?
Most students, by the time they reach ninth grade, will have taken two or more achievement tests. For these students, the primary question is not, "What is an achievement test like?" It is, "How will this next achievement test differ from previous ones?" The test format and content will certainly be the most noticeable difference to the student.
Achievement tests assess student knowledge in a much different and more artificial manner from the way most parents do at home. Parents use a variety of assessment techniques at home to find out what their children know. Multiple-choice tests in a group setting with frame variable or scannable answer sheets are unlikely to be used.
For most parents of high school students, two questions are primary: First, what skills will be measured, and secondly, and more importantly, is my student getting an appropriate high school level education?
For any test, most of us like to know what's going to be expected so we can prepare adequately. Everyone likes to know what the target is so they can know if they are aiming in the right direction. This practice test will familiarize your student with a common testing design as well as representative items likely to show up on many nationally normed tests.
Contents (Parent Book)
- Introduction
- Identifying Learning Objectives
- Language Arts
- Math
- Mastering Test Strategies
- Preparation Before the Test
- Test Taking Strategies the Day of Testing
- Practicing for Success
- Practice Test: Examiner Directions
- Language Arts
- 1: Vocabulary Assessment
- 2: Reading Comprehension
- 3: Language Mechanics
- 4: Language Expression
- Math
- 5: Math Computation
- 6: Problem Solving
- Practice Test Answer Key
Contents (Practice Test)
- Language Arts
- 1: Vocabulary Assessment (15 exercises)
- 2: Reading Comprehension (15)
- 3: Language Mechanics (15)
- 4: Language Expression (15)
- Math
- 5: Math Computation (15 exercises)
- 6: Problem Solving (15)