The Man in Bearskin

The Man in Bearskin

  • Paper cover
  • 130 pages
  • 0.4 lbs

Item #6-6295

  • $7.95
In stock (6 items available)

It was their first night on the eastern shores of Lake Michigan near the Black River. Already Gerrit Kolf felt uneasy because a prowler wearing a bearskin cape was lurking near the little band of Dutch Immigrants. Then Gerrit heard crunching footsteps approaching the hut where the tired voyagers were sleeping. Something heavy was being dragged along the ground. He tore out of the hut and almost stumbled over something—a freshly-killed deer, a most welcome gift for the weary, hungry travelers. The note accompanying the gift promised that Gerrit Kolf would hear more from "The Man in Bearskin." What could that mean?

A short time later Gerrit's young son Jacob rescued "The Man in Bearskin" when he was trapped between two fallen logs. A strange friendship is formed—strange because "The Man in Bearskin" will not allow himself to become close to anyone. And yet young Jacob felt attracted to him.

Life was harsh in the late 1840's and survival was uncertain. Would the immigrants ever tame the wilderness? The land was thick with trees. How would homes be built and fields planted with crops? When an epidemic sweeps the colony, even the most courageous leaders are almost ready to leave the wilderness. The events which follow offer a penetrating glimpse of the hardships, perils and faith of that sturdy band of Dutch immigrants under the leadership of Domine Van Raalte.

The Man in Bearskin was first published in 1925. It is a delightful combination of legend and fact about the early settlers of Holland, Michigan. Long a favorite of area children, it has been rewritten to appeal to a wider audience.


  • 1. The warm June sun...
  • 2. Gerrit Kolf did not remain long...
  • 3. Four days later..
  • 4. The next morning...
  • 5. It was plain...
  • 6. August passed quickly...
  • 7. The bright days of the last of October...
  • 8. The change which had taken place...
  • 9. It was Sunday morning...
  • 10. Dirk Kolf came to live...
    • Weight
      0.40 lbs
    • SKU
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