- Paper cover
- 432 pages
- 1.622 lbs
Item #41-3273
A story of God's redeeming grace—of triumph over circumstances.
Tanya was devastated. Could the report be true? She knew her papa had drinking problems—but a murderer? She shook her head. Surely not! But how then did the body get into his barn?
Growing up in Ukraine, Tanya faced one crisis after another. Was there no way to find peace? Would she always have to endure this endless drinking, yelling, and stress? She often thought of the singing her Svetta had talked about. She had described it as heavenly. But Tanya tried not to think very much about her sister. It was too painful....
One day Tanya heard such singing. Could this be what her sister had heard? Was God the answer to her problems? Tanya had not realized what she needed—but God did. With His great redeeming grace, He brought peace to her troubled heart.
She would need it for the battle that was yet to come....
- Prologue
- 1. Boarding School
- 2. Hit by a Brick
- 3. A Bad Start to a New Year
- 4. Worrying Won't Help
- 5. From Student to Slave
- 6. The Nightmare
- 7. The Funeral
- 8. Valley of Grief
- 9. Life in Kyiv
- 10. Uncle Yuri
- 11. More Changes
- 12. Adjustments
- 13. The Landlady's Son
- 14. Is This Love?
- 15. A Renter No Longer
- 16. Mama's Story
- 17. The Wedding
- 18. Motherhood
- 19. Answered Through Lilacs
- 20. Growing Pains
- 21. Daycare Daze
- 22. The Reflection in the Mirror
- 23. God's Gift
- 24. The Mysterious Magazine
- 25. Buried in the Barn
- 26. The Murderer's Daughter
- 27. "Save the House!"
- 28. Bartender Again
- 29. A New Job
- 30. From Slacks to Skirts
- 31. The Strange Believers
- 32. Resurrection Morning
- 33. God's Smile of Approval
- 34. Tough Love
- 35. Part of the Family
- 36. The School of God
- 37. Answered Through Pumpkin Seeds
- 38. Oh, Happy Day
- 39. The Resurrection Power
- 40. War!
- 41. The Smoking Battle
- 42. Released
- 43. A Lost Battle
- 44. A Gift of Grace
- 45. The Shock
- 46. Abortion?
- 47. "You Know the Way"
- 48. Now Where?
- 49. "Lord, Lead Us"
- 50. "What Next, Lord?"
- 51. Solomia
- 52. Safe in the Arms of Jesus
- 53. Pain Is Never Wasted
- 54. Limitless Love
- 55. Death's Door
- 56. The Missionary in the Hospital
- 57. "I Will Lift Up My Eyes"
- 58. Trials and Temptations
- 59. The Pilot
- 60. "I Want to Go to Jesus"
- 61. Faithful to the End
- Epilogue
- Author's Note
- About the Author