Growing into His Likeness
- Paper cover
- 262 pages
- 0.946 lbs
Item #41-3184
Devotional thoughts for women
Can others tell that you are set apart as a member of Jesus' family? Do your attitudes and actions reveal His presence in your life more and more? Wilma weaves down-to-earth personal stories with insights gleaned from Scripture as she calls us to examine our lives and press on in faithfulness to the Lord.
Pause. Respond to Christ's invitation to come closer. Seek Him on the pages of Scripture. Learn to see His active presence in your life. Notice His glory around you. You will be changed as you grow to be more like Him.
Table of Contents
- 1. The Invitation
- 2. Sin in Paradise
- 3. Consequences of Sin
- 4. The Only Way Back
- 5. Just One Taste
- 6. Experiencing Christ's Love
- 7. Accept My Yoke
- 8. A Love Letter
- 9. Listening to God
- 10. True Worship
- 11. The Love of Money
- 12. My Money or God's?
- 13. Worship God Through Giving
- 14. Praise or Pout?
- 15. Sing Unto the Lord
- 16. Phone Line to God
- 17. Choices and Outcomes
- 18. Blockage in the Line
- 19. A Broken and a Contrite Heart
- 20. Under the Knife
- 21. God's Chastening Hand
- 22. Death and Grief—Our Teachers
- 23. Abiding in the Vine
- 24. Puzzle Pieces
- 25. A Lacy Snare
- 26. An Insatiable Appetite
- 27. Truth We Can Rely On
- 28. One Body, One Lord
- 29. Who Has Your Heart?
- 30. Staying Within God's Parameters
- 31. The Righteous in This Generation
- 32. Rewards of the Righteous
- 33. Where Is Your Name Written?
- 34. Through Afflictions
- 35. Salvation and Song
- 36. Grace and Truth
- 37. Unfailing Faithfulness
- 38. The Temple of the Lord
- 39. Exalt the Lord
- 40. Confessing Our Faults
- 41. Bringing Hope
- 42. God's People
- 43. Bow Down Your Ear
- 44. God's Sheltering Wings
- 45. Beautiful Hands
- 46. Our God Is So Big
- 47. Deep Cleaning
- 48. The Cost of Obedience
- 49. Instrument of Torture
- 50. Denying Self
- 51. Jars of Clay
- 52. Counting Worthy
- 53. This Moment of Time
- 54. "I Am Persuaded"
- 55. Procrastination
- 56. Watch and Pray
- 57. At Midnight
- 58. Nothing Between
- 59. God's Plan for You
- 60. A Virtuous Woman
- 61. Evidence of Transformation
- 62. What Family Do You Resemble?
- 63. Reality of Marriage
- 64. The Sanctity of Marriage
- 65. Love That Endures
- 66. Finding Our All in Christ
- 67. Maintaining Moral Purity
- 68. Impelling Love
- 69. A Wise Woman
- 70. Beams of Light
- 71. Walk Circumspectly
- 72. A Beautiful Bride
- 73. God's Plan Is Best
- 74. Returning Christ's Love
- 75. A Sure Foundation
- 76. Pink Walls and Appreciation
- 77. Hanging Pictures
- 78. The Flopped Pie
- 79. In the Doghouse
- 80. How's the Atmosphere?
- 81. Tornado Watch
- 82. The Love of Family
- 83. Loving Our Children
- 84. Ideals for Our Children
- 85. Danger! Poison!
- 86. Precious in His Sight
- 87. Lord, Be Merciful
- 88. The Place to Find Wisdom
- 89. A Pure Heart
- 90. Road Closed Ahead
- 91. True Happiness
- 92. What Are You Wearing?
- 93. Behind the Door
- 94. Garage Sale Today
- 95. If You Want Greatness
- 96. Learning from Life's Experiences
- 97. Blooming Where God Places You
- 98. In His Garden
- 99. A Pattern of Good Works
- 100. The Grace of Patience
- 101. Who Is Watching You?
- 102. Faith That Heals
- 103. True Friendship
- 104. Judging and Grudging
- 105. Living in Peace
- 106. Instruments for God's Glory
- 107. Waiting on the Lord
- 108. Contentment
- 109. Bigger and Better
- 110. Showing Hospitality
- 111. The Joy of Giving
- 112. God's Eye Is on the Widow
- 113. An Evening Song
- 114. Christ, Our Anchor
- 115. What Is Your Score?
- 116. The Angels Rejoice
- 117. A Holy Calling
- 118. Bound by Sin
- 119. Till the Dawn
- Index to Scripture Readings
- Endnotes
- About the Author
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