The Road Less Traveled (Grade 7)
- Hard cover
- 265 pages
- 1.13 lbs
Item #4-70075
Reading to Learn Series
Grade 7 reading level
Interestingly written stories and poetry on a graded level. We are offering these as supplimentary reading, not as a stand alone reading course.
Table of Contents
Deciphering Nature's Parables
- The Road Not Taken
- The Mahogany Fox
- The Fox
- A Cry in the Night
- Deer
- First Hunt
- The Plowing
- My Prairies
- Buffalo Dusk
- Woof
- Seek-No-Further, Part 1
- Seek-No-Further, Part 2
- Trees
- Shade
- The Chickens and the Mush
Path of the Pioneer
- Pioneering in Canada
- Desert Miracle
- Bless Them That Curse You
- Our Heroes
- Standing Bear's Vision
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
- Even Uncle Henry
- The Day I Made Bread
- The Sense of Smell
- The Boy Judge
- The Judge's Sentence
Living for Others
- The King's Questions
- The Family
- The House by the Side of the Road
- Journey by Night
- The Cloak, Part 1
- The Cloak, Part 2
- The Cloak, Part 3
- The Hippie
- Betsy's Sewing Society
- If I Can Live
- If I Can Stop One Heart
- The Rich Family in Our Church
Storing Up Treasures
- The Farmer's Treasure
- When Tata Prays
- Eliezer's Prayer
- Thou Art Coming to a King
- The God of the Exodus
- Flor Silin's Gift
- The Sweater
- A Time to Talk
- There Is a Season
- The Way It Is
- All Things Are Thine
- Dots and Dashes
- Your Place
Stooping Gracefully
- Stoop!
- Mother to Son
- The Peanut Man and the Peanut Men, Part 1
- The Peanut Man and the Peanut Men, Part 2
- Escape From Slavery
- The Second Mile
- The Rescue
- Faint Heart
- The Silver King
- The Jonah Pie
- Glossary
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