Church History: Reformation to the 21st Century

Church History (Volume 2) - Reformation to the 21st Century

  • Paper cover
  • 365 pages
  • 1.128 lbs

Item #4-274171

  • $19.50
In stock (1 item available)

Also available in this set.

What happened to the church after the Reformation in the early 1500s? This book takes up the story near the end of the Reformation, where Volume 1, Church History: Resurrection to Reformation, ends. It follows the churches founded by Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and the Anabaptists and covers the resulting Catholic Counter-Reformation.

Over the centuries, European explorers, merchants, and missionaries spread Christianity to Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Too often, the Christianity they promoted had more to do with culture and coercion than with conversion and commitment to Christ.

This account of Christianity from the end of the Reformation to the beginning of the twenty-first century helps us understand some of the influences that have shaped the landscape of the church as we know it today. From monasteries to missionaries, from Martin Luther to D.L. Moody, from Moravians to the Moral Majority, from Methodists to Mennonites, you can read about them all in this second volume of Church History.


  • Introduction

Pre-Colonial European and Old-World Christianity

  • 1. Lutheranism: The Church of Martin Luther
  • 2. Reformed Christianity
  • 3. The Spread of Anabaptism
  • 4. Catholicism; Counter-Reformation
  • 5. Rationalism, Enlightenment, Deism
  • 6. Pietism: Reformation Renewed
  • 7. The Reformation and Afterward in England
  • 8. English Dissenting Churches
  • 9. Eastern and Russian Orthodoxy

Europeans Spread Christianity Through Colonization

  • 10. Colonization and Christianity in Asia and Africa
  • 11. Colonization and Christianity in Latin America
  • 12. Colonization and Christianity in North America

North American Christianity

  • 13. Revival in the American Colonies
  • 14. Churches in a New Nation
  • 15. Revivalism Stimulates Expansion
  • 16. Christianity in a Changing Society
  • 17. Modernism and Fundamentalism
  • 18. Revival Movements Continue
  • 19. The Holiness and Pentecostal Movements
  • 20. Utopian and Semi-Christian Groups
  • 21. Twentieth-Century American Christianity
  • 22. Mennonites and Amish in America

Christianity Spreads Around the World

  • 23. Missions: Worldwide Growth
  • 24. Global Growth and Shift
  • Afterword
  • List of Maps
  • Endnotes
  • Index
    • Weight
      1.13 lbs
    • SKU
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