White Horse to Bucharest: Lessons Romania Taught Us
- Paper cover
- 263 pages
- 0.824 lbs
Item #4-265857
He who has not seen Bucharest, nor ridden upon a white horse, knows not what is beautiful in this world. —Romanian proverb
An elderly, illiterate woman hears the story of creation for the first time. A Christmas shoebox finds its way to a street boy in a snowy parking lot. The secret police trail a Bible smuggler through the streets of communist Romania. An old woman in a dreary hospital ward demonstrates the meaning of true love. One of Romania's many orphans finds his roots in a poignant homecoming.
When their church sent them out as humanitarian workers, Lee and Vila Gingerich expected a positive experience, but they never guessed how much Romania would teach them. Through this collection of over seventy short stories, let Romania steal your heart like it did theirs.
Vila Gingerich grew up in Mennonite communities across the Midwest and dreamed of seeing the world. As an adult, she spent seven years in Eastern Europe and sometimes dreamed of home. Now in rural Missouri, Vila teaches her sixth through eighth grade students that the world is wide and dreams sometimes come true.