Danny the Workhorse - "Pleasant Valley Farm Series"
- Hard cover
- 40 pages
- 1.07 lbs
Item #4-264640
From the Pleasant Valley Farm Series.
"This we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat." —2 Thessalonians 3:10
Danny was big, and strong, and gentle, but he had a problem. Farmer Don and Missus Dora were worried. How would they help Danny? Then some oatmeal cookies gave Missus Dora an idea. Danny learned a valuable lesson, and so can we.
Note to Parents
Helga Moser bases her Pleasant Valley Farm Series on actual incidents that happened on her parents' farm. As you read the stories to your children, they will learn, along with the animals, some basic lessons of life.
This book will help your child grow in character as he learns along with Danny that all play is not all fun. Like many children, Danny the workhorse had a lazy streak and didn't like to work. Danny gets his wished-for vacation from work, only to find that a life of ease is one of no challenge and no reward. When Danny's attitude toward work changes, life becomes sweet and good again.