Practical Pointers for Training Your Child
- Paper cover
- 207 pages
- 0.54 lbs
Item #4-241120
I still remember the feeling that hit me when my wife and I found we were expecting our first child. There I was, young and inexperienced, on the way to becoming a father.
Then, and often since then, my wife and I turned to an old paradigm—one that Bro. Kniss promotes in this book: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" (James 1:5).
Our children are a trust from God. We parents are responsible to God to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Their success in life, their choices—yes, even their eternity—depend much on us. How we need God's wisdom!
Practical Pointers for Training Your Child is one source of that wisdom. What better place could we go, aside from the Word, to find wisdom for child training than to a godly, experienced, and concerned older person?
Grandfather Kniss draws from his broad experience for material in this volume, which is permeated with his love and concern for the family. His fatherly counsels are given in a homey and practical style.
- Foreword
- Preface
- The Bible Speaks
- 1 Faith in God
- 2 Reverence
- 3 Love for the Bible
- 4 Respect for Parents
- 5 Respect for Others
- 6 Self-Respect
- 7 Obedience
- 8 Conduct in the Church
- 9 Social Behavior
- 10 Self-Discipline
- 11 Honesty and Truthfulness
- 12 Courtesy and Table Manners
- 13 Diligence
- 14 Neatness and Order
- 15 Toys and Play
- 16 Independence and Self-Help
- 17 Work
- 18 Sex Knowledge
- 19 Decision Making
- 20 Thrift
- 21 Sense of Morality
- 22 Sense of Responsibility
- 23 Hospitality
- 24 Humility
- 25 Love
- Meet the Author