Singlehood That Glorifies God

Singlehood That Glorifies God

  • Paper cover
  • 39 pages
  • 0.14 lbs

Item #4-241022

  • $3.50
Out of stock

Reprinted from Chapter 4 of Christian Family Living.

Subjects such as dating, engagement, and marriage are more popular than singlehood. Perhaps this is because more people marry than stay single, and perhaps also because most people want to be married. But it means, unfortunately, that sometimes people find themselves in situations they never have given much thought to, and just as unfortunately, situations which nobody else has given much thought to either.

Single people need to understand themselves. And they need understanding from other people. Here is a book that is honest, practical, and Scriptural—a book that addresses not only singles themselves, but the families and churches where single people are found.

If you are single and want to live for all you're worth to the glory of God, this book is for you. If you are a parent or pastor and want to prepare youths and older ones to understand singles and work together for the glory of God, this book offers an excellent format for discussions.

  • Introduction
  • Why Am I Single?
  • What Can I Expect?
  • What Should I Avoid?
  • How Can I Serve?
  • How Should the Home and Church Relate to Singles?
  • Summary
  • Thinking Together
  • Working Together
    • Weight
      0.14 lbs
    • SKU
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