Grade 5 Study Time Arithmetic "Reaching Higher with Numbers" - Set
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Item #39-35--
This set includes: | # in My Cart | ||
Workbook | $14.95 | ||
Tests and Drills | $1.95 | ||
Teacher's Manual | $34.95 | ||
This set includes: 3 items |
129 lessons; 6 units
Supplementary items (not included):
- Teaching With a Purpose and a Plan
- Becoming Acquainted With Your Book
- Overview, Unit 1
- Lesson 1: Getting Started, Even and Odd Numbers, Counting by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
- Lesson 2: Addition Terms, Pairs of Facts, Story Problems, Column Addition
- Practice
- Lesson 3: Working With Money, Counting by 25, 50, and 100, Adding by Endings, Adding Money
- Lesson 4: Fraction Terms, Unit Fractions, More Addition Families
- Weekly Checkup 1
- Lesson 5: Telling Time, Time Facts
- Lesson 6: Place Value to Thousands, Number Words
- Practice
- Lesson 7: Subtraction Terms, Whole Stories, Story Problems
- Lesson 8: Fraction of a Group, Dozen, Subtraction Endings
- Weekly Checkup 2
- Lesson 9: Adding and Subtracting Quickly, Mixed Problems
- Lesson 10: Taking Numbers Apart, Adding and Subtracting Larger Numbers
- Practice
- Lesson 11: Carrying in Addition
- Lesson 12: Larger Numbers, Place Value to Hundred Thousands
- Weekly Checkup 3
- Lesson 13: Borrowing in Subtraction
- Lesson 14: Linear Measures, Reference Measures, Checking Sums & Remainders
- Practice
- Lesson 15: Larger Fractions, Like and Unlike Fractions, Symbols
- Lesson 16: Zeros in the Minuend
- Weekly Checkup 4
- Lesson 17: Geometric Shapes
- Lesson 18: Choosing Sums and Remainders
- Practice
- Lesson 19: Larger Money, Subtracting Money
- Lesson 20: Making Story Problems
- Weekly Checkup 5
- Lesson 21: Measuring Temperature, Freezing and Boiling Point, Harvesting Honey
- Lesson 22: Finding the Missing Addend
- Unit Review 1
- Test 1
- Overview, Unit 2
- Lesson 1: Telling Time to the Minute, A.M. and P.M., Seconds
- Lesson 2: Finding the Missing Minuend
- Practice
- Lesson 3: Rounding, Estimating Sums and Remainders, Charts and Tables
- Lesson 4: Metric Linear Measures
- Weekly Checkup 7
- Lesson 5: Place Value to Millions
- Lesson 6: Understanding Story Problems, Making Change
- Practice
- Lesson 7: Fraction of an Inch
- Lesson 8: Missing Subtrahends
- Weekly Checkup 8
- Lesson 9: Multiplication 2 and 3 Families, Terms
- Lesson 10: Calendar Facts, Ordinal Numbers
- Practice
- Lesson 11: Multiplication 4 and 5 Families, Pairs of Multiplication Facts
- Lesson 12: Working with Dates, Writing Dates the Short Way
- Weekly Checkup 9
- Lesson 13: Mixed Numbers, Mixed Problems
- Lesson 14: Weight Measures, Choosing Addition or Multiplication
- Practice
- Lesson 15: Multiplying Larger Numbers, Checking Multiplication by Adding
- Lesson 16: Rounding and Estimating Numbers to the Nearest Hundred, The History of Fort Wayne
- Weekly Checkup 10
- Lesson 17: Division 2 and 3 Families, Division Terms
- Lesson 18: Positive and Negative Numbers, Tempartures
- Practice
- Lesson 19: Division 4 and 5 Families, Checking Division with Subtraction
- Lesson 20: Multiplying and Dividing 1 and 0
- Weekly Checkup 11
- Lesson 21: Multiplication and Division 10 Family, Whole Stories, Parkview Hospital
- Lesson 22: Equal Fractions
- Unit Review 2
- Test 2
- Overview, Unit 3
- Lesson 1: Liquid Measures, Changer Larger Units to Smaller Units
- Lesson 2: Multiplication and Division 6 Family
- Practice
- Lesson 3: Multiplier and Multiplicand
- Lesson 4: Dividing Larger Numbers, Checking Products and Quotients, Recipe: Apple Rolls
- Weekly Checkup 13
- Lesson 5: Division Story Problems, Labeling Quotients
- Lesson 6: Multiplication and Division 7 Family, Multiplying to Change Mixed Measures, Making Vegetable Soup
- Practice
- Lesson 7: Another Use for Division, Labeling Quotients
- Lesson 8: Finding Average
- Weekly Checkup 14
- Lesson 9: Uneven Short Division
- Lesson 10: Multiplication and Division 8 Family
- Practice
- Lesson 11: Dry Measures, Changing Smaller Units to Larger Units, Oodles of Noodles
- Lesson 12: Roman Numerals
- Weekly Checkup 15
- Lesson 13: Multiplication and Division 9 Family, Process Order
- Lesson 14: Factoring
- Practice
- Lesson 15: Pictographs, Bar Graphs and Tally Marks
- Lesson 16: Common Factors, Greatest Common Factor, Butchering Day
- Weekly Checkup 16
- Lesson 17: Long Division, Labeling Uneven Division
- Lesson 18: Multiplication and Division 11 Family, The Multiplication Mill
- Practice
- Lesson 19: Working with Like Fractions (Adding and Subtracting), Tomato Ketchup
- Lesson 20: Reducing Fractions
- Weekly Checkup 17
- Lesson 21: Multiplication and Division 12 Family, Dividing to Change Mixed Measures, Haste Makes Waste
- Lesson 22: Learning About Lines, Mail Order
- Unit Review 3
- Test 3
- Overview, Unit 4
- Lesson 1: Perimeter
- Lesson 2: Finding the Missing Factor, Making Multiplication and Division Stories
- Practice
- Lesson 3: Two-Step Long Division
- Lesson 4: Multiplying by Tens and Hundreds
- Weekly Checkup 19
- Lesson 5: Two-Step Short Division (uneven), Millimeters
- Lesson 6: Decade, Century, Millennium, Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000
- Practice
- Lesson 7: Process Order, Formulas for Finding Perimeters
- Lesson 8: Three-Step Long and Short Division
- Weekly Checkup 20
- Lesson 9: Division as a Fraction
- Lesson 10: Two-Place Multipliers, Reversing Factors to Check a Product
- Practice
- Lesson 11: Finding the Missing Dividend
- Lesson 12: Remainders as a Fraction
- Weekly Checkup 21
- Lesson 13: Analyzing the Remainder
- Lesson 14: Zeros in the Multiplicand, An Ounce of Prevention
- Practice
- Lesson 15: Proper and Improper Fractions
- Lesson 16: Changing Improper Fractions
- Weekly Checkup 22
- Lesson 17: Place Value to Billions
- Lesson 18: Working with Mixed Numbers, Carrying in Mixed Numbers
- Practice
- Lesson 19: More Long Division (Long and Short)
- Lesson 20: Scale Drawing
- Weekly Checkup 23
- Lesson 21: Square Measures, Making a Book Rack
- Lesson 22: Finding Areas
- Unit Review 4
- Test 4
- Overview, Unit 5
- Lesson 1: Dividing by Tens
- Lesson 2: Multiples of a Number, Least Common Multiple
- Practice
- Lesson 3: Rounding the (Two-Place) Divisor, Pollen
- Lesson 4: Rounding and Estimating Larger Numbers
- Weekly Checkup 25
- Lesson 5: Finding Common Denominators, Cactus
- Lesson 6: Estimating Products
- Practice
- Lesson 7: Multiplying by Hundreds
- Lesson 8: Working with Unlike Fractions and Mixed Numbers, Flowers or Weeds?
- Weekly Checkup 26
- Lesson 9: Acres, Grains
- Lesson 10: Subtracting a Fraction from a Whole Number
- Practice
- Lesson 11: Wrong Quotient Figure, Sequence Patterns
- Lesson 12: Borrowing in a Mixed Number, Fruits
- Weekly Checkup 27
- Lesson 13: Quotient Figure too Large, Evergreens
- Lesson 14: Fractions Multiplicands
- Practice
- Lesson 15: Divisibility Rules, Nature's Giants
- Lesson 16: Fraction Multipliers, Cancellation
- Weekly Checkup 28
- Lesson 17: Changing Whole Numbers to Improper Fractions, Fractions Times a Fraction
- Lesson 18: Partial Dividends
- Practice
- Lesson 19: Changing Mixed Numbers, Wood Weights
- Lesson 20: Mixed Number Multiplicands, Shagbark Hickory
- Weekly Checkup 29
- Lesson 21: Mixed Number Multipliers, Maples
- Lesson 22: Metric Liquid Measures, Sugarin' Time
- Unit Review 5
- Test 5
- Overview, Unit 6
- Lesson 1: Decimals, South America
- Lesson 2: Larger Dividends
- Practice
- Lesson 3: Mixed Decimals, Normal Body Temperature
- Lesson 4: Adding and Multiplying Measures
- Weekly Checkup 31
- Lesson 5: Hundredths, Adding and Subtracting Decimals
- Lesson 6: Subtracting Measures
- Practice
- Lesson 7: Comparing Decimals, Adding and Subtracting Unlike Decimals
- Lesson 8: Using Fractions to Compare, Rubber
- Weekly Checkup 32
- Lesson 9: Decimal Equivalents, Ecuador Means Equator
- Lesson 10: Dividing Measuring Numbers
- Practice
- Lesson 11: Place Value to Thousandths, Multiplying Decimals
- Lesson 12: Dividing Fractions
- Weekly Checkup 33
- Lesson 13: Prime and Composite Numbers, Prime Factors
- Lesson 14: Dividing Decimals, Venezuela
- Practice
- Lesson 15: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals by 10 and 100, Angles
- Lesson 16: Line Graphs, Brazil
- Weekly Checkup 34
- Lesson 17: Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication Review
- Lesson 18: Division and Measurement Review
- Lesson 19: Fraction Review, Recipe: Busy Day Brownies
- Unit Review 6
- Test 6
- Addition Drill Page
- Subtraction Drill Page
- Multiplication Drill Page
- Division Drill Page
- Measurement Drill Page
- Index
- Acknowledgement
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