Grade 2 Schoolaid Math - Column Addition Flash Cards
- 1.27 lbs
Item #37-3F4-COL
149 cards, 3" × 8"
These cards are for practicing column addition, introduced in Schoolaid Math Grade 2, Lesson 28B. The front of each card shows a vertical column of 3 digits to add, and the reverse shows the same problem in horizontal format, along with the lesson number in which the card is used. No answers are included with these cards.
Flashcards are skillboosters. The use of flashcards is very effective to teach facts to the point of automatic response. To do this, it is necessary to have short practice sessions at least every day, sometimes more than once a day. The number of facts to learn at one time should be kept at a minimum, then reviewed until automatic response is reached.
As soon as a student can say the correct answer instantly every time for a fact, we say he has automatic response. Automatic response eliminates the need for crutches such as counting fingers, dots, etc. With perseverance most children can master this skill.
Flashcards can be used as a teaching aid in many different ways. Students can use them individually to study and review. They can play teacher-pupil, going through the cards once, then change places and do it again. They can practice orally, or at the board, or write the answers on paper at their seats. Man5y different games can be played with flashcards.
In preparing for a day's lessons, always lay out the flashcard students should have that day. (Mark it in your plan book.) Make sure each set for use that day contains only the necessary cards, taking out what isn't needed anymore and adding others if needed. Do not let any one pack of cards become too large. Students can be taught to do the flashcard practice on their own at the beginning of a lesson period before doing their seatwork. This often helps to make better scores on their written work too.
- 15 cards for lesson 29
- 10 for 31
- 8 for 41
- 9 for 52
- 10 for 61
- 11 for 71
- 11 for 82
- 10 for 92
- 11 for 102
- 13 for 112
- 13 for 120
- 12 for 128
- 16 for 140