Grade 7 Climbing to Good English - Set
- 4.702 lbs
Item #37-27--
This set includes: | # in My Cart | ||
Pupil Workbook | $11.00 | ||
Practice Sheets | $5.75 | ||
Teacher's Edition | $19.50 | ||
This set includes: 3 items |
This Schoolaid Language Series is designed by Schoolaid to complement the Pathway Reader Series by extending in phonics and reading comprehension, grammar and composition.
As with grades 5 and 6, grades 7 and 8 consist of a workbook for each grade that contains parallel contents. The lesson instructions and the teaching suggestions will apply to both grades. The exercises for grade 8 will generally be harder and require more work than grade 7. There are 104 lessons, reviews, and unit tests in each grade, divided into twelve units—though the last two units are combined. (Designed for scheduling 3 lessons per week.) For easy reference, a language Handbook and abbreviated Thesaurus are included at the end of each workbook.
The first two units are review of the basic English grammar rules which were taught before. This puts the students on familiar ground and will give them a good start in working on their own. There are no tests for these first units—everything is review. If the lessons are carefully monitored and graded, the scores will give a true picture of their concept of basic English grammar.
Units 3 - 10 have nine lessons each, including a test at the end of each unit (test pages located in the back of the workbook). In these lessons, the basic English grammar is reinforced and new concepts added. Here also, the emphasis on composition is strengthened, since effective writing is our major goal in teaching English.
Units 11 and 12 are combined to make the last six-week marking period. In them are included the longest composition assignments in the book and also review of the English grammar in preparation for the end-of-year tests.
A booklet of 67 practice sheets with reinforcement exercises is available for each grade.
The hardcover teacher's manual contains general teaching tips, as well as suggestions and answer keys for each lesson. The answers to the practice sheets are at the back.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- To the Teacher
- Some General Tips on Teaching Language
- To the Student
Unit I
- Unit I Introduction
- 1. Reviewing Capitalization, Rule 1 (a-j)
- 2. Reviewing Capitalization, Rules 2-5
- 3. Reviewing Punctuation—End Marks and Commas
- 4. Reviewing the Colon, the Hyphen, and the Apostrophe
- 5. Reviewing Italics (Underlining) and Quotation Marks
- 6. Reviewing Verbs
- 7. Reviewing Nouns
- 8. Reviewing Nouns and Pronouns
- 9. Reviewing Sentences
Unit II
- 10. More About Sentences
- 11. Developing Good Paragraphs
- 12. Writing Paragraphs
- 13. Revising and Proofreading
- 14. Order in a Paragraph
- 15. Revising and Proofreading
- 16. Review: Capitalization and Punctuation
- 17. Review: Verbs, Nouns, Pronouns
- 18. Review: Sentences
Unit III
- 19. Tying Your Ideas Together
- 20. Connecting Paragraphs
- 21. Revising and Proofreading
- 22. Identifying Verbs
- 23. Verbs in Harder Sentences
- 24. Understanding Verb Agreement
- 25. Verb Tense Agreement
- 26. Using Exact and Vivid Verbs
- 27. Unit III Test
Unit IV
- 38. Identifying Nouns
- 29. Paraphrasing and Summarizing
- 30. Writing Summaries
- 31. Subject-Verb Agreement
- 32. Using Nouns as Complements (Direct and Indirect Objects)
- 33. Using Nouns as Subject Complements
- 34. Using Nouns as Appositives and Direct Address
- 35. Using Exact and Vivid Nouns
- 36. Unit IV Test
Unit V
- 37. Improving Your Vocabulary
- 38. Finding the Right Words
- 39. Pronouns
- 40. Special Problems with Pronouns
- 41. More Pronouns
- 42. Pronoun Agreement
- 43. Puzzling Pronouns
- 44. Revising and Proofreading
- 45. Unit V Test
Unit VI
- 46. Adjectives
- 47. Using Adjectives Correctly and Effectively
- 48. Taking Notes
- 49. Organizing Notes
- 50. Writing Your Report
- 51. Using Outline Form for Study
- 52. Revising and Proofreading
- 53. General Review
- 54. Unit VI Test
Unit VII
- 55. Adverbs
- 56. Using Adverbs Correctly and Effectively
- 57. Letter Form
- 58. Letter Quality
- 59. More About Letters and Addresses
- 60. Business Letters Continued
- 61. Everyday Letters
- 62. Parallel Structure; Review
- 63. Unit VII Test
- 64. Prepositions
- 65. Using Prepositional Phrases Effectively
- 66. Using Prepositions Correctly
- 67. Studying Poetic Figures of Speech
- 68. Writing Short Verse
- 69. Writing Longer Poems
- 70. Conjunctions
- 71. More Conjunctions; Interjections
- 72. Unit VIII Test
Unit IX
- 73. Improving Your Writing Style
- 74. Use Phrases to Save Words
- 75. More About Phrases and Clauses
- 76. More Word-Saving Tricks
- 77. Variety in Sentences
- 78. Common Pitfalls of Writers
- 79. Revising and Proofreading
- 80. Writing Numbers; General Review
- 81. Unit IX Test
Unit X
- 82. More About Commas
- 83. Parentheses and Dashes; Revising
- 84. Colons and Semicolons
- 85. Quotations
- 86. Using Dialogue to Write a Story
- 87. Live Writing
- 88. Writing With a Flourish
- 89. Good Endings
- 90. Unit X Test
Units XI and XII
- 91. Writing Short Stories
- 92. Writing Your Own Short Story
- 93. Revising
- 94. Noun Forms; Verb Usage
- 95. Gerunds; Subject-Verb Agreement; Complements
- 96. Revising Your Story
- 97. Reviewing Nouns, Verbs, Subjective Complements
- 98. Reviewing Uses of Nouns and Pronouns
- 99. Reviewing Adjectives
- 100. Reviewing Adverbs
- 101. Reviewing Prepositions
- 102. Reviewing Conjunctions and Interjections
- 103. Reviewing Business Letters
- 104. End of Term Test
- Reproduction of Practice Sheets with Answers
- Handbook
- Thesaurus