Great Figures in History
- Paper cover
- 224 pages
- 0.576 lbs
Item #28-1124
People who influenced religious history for good or ill.
History need not be dry. This books gives the reader a very accessible snapshot of the lives of more than thirty key figures in religious history.
In addition to well-known people in history, some of whom we list in this book, there have been millions more who worked behind the scenes as helpers. Famous authors needed un-famous editors and printers. Famous evangelists needed people who invited friends to the meetings. Famous Bible translators needed wives and sons and daughters who would help them, sometimes by knowing when to leave them alone.
In God's sight, the unknown individuals are just as great as those who are better known. God bless them all. And, unknown readers, God bless you all.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- The Greatest Figure of All
- Buddha: Founder of Buddhism
- Confucius: Leader of Chinese Thought
- Polycarp: Early Church Leader
- Constantine: Freedom for Christians
- Augustine: New Errors for Old Heresies
- Patrick: "Apostle" to Ireland
- Muhammed: The Birth of Islam
- Peter Waldo: The Waldensians
- John Wycliffe: Morning Star of the Reformation
- Martin Luther: The Reformation Begins in Germany
- The Radical Trio: The Swiss Brethren Forge Ahead
- Michael Sattler: A Sign in the Fire
- Menno Simons: A Good Name for the Anabaptists
- John Calvin: A TULIP Takes Flower
- John Knox: The Reformation Comes to Scotland
- Henry VIII: The Reformation Begins in England
- William Tyndale: A New Bible for English Readers
- Jacob Arminius: A Calvinist Who Changed His Mind
- John Bunyan: A Pilgrim Who Progressed
- William Penn: The Man Pennsylvania Was Not Named After
- Isaac Newton: A Dreamer Who Made Good
- John Wesley: The Methodist Movement Is Born
- Isaac Watts: Father of English Hymnody
- William Carey: Father of Modern Missions
- Charles Finney: Lawyer Turned Evangelist
- Charles Darwin: A Book That Argued for Evolution
- David Livingstone: "I Will Open a Path Through the Country"
- Karl Marx: Father of Communism
- George Mueller: Quiet Faith in a Dependable God
- Dwight Moody: A Simple Gospel for Multitudes
- Fanny Crosby: A Poet Who Gave Herself Away
- Charles Taze Russell: Founder of Jehovah's Witnesses
- Martin Luther King, Jr.: Civil Rights Leader
- Billy Graham: International Evangelist
- The Forgotten Figures of History