The King James Bible Companion - Archaic Words Defined
- Paper cover
- 24 pages
- 0.02 lbs
Item #15-003
Over 500 Archaic Words Defined
Publisher's description:
Why should I learn the meanings of these words?
Rather than taking the time to learn the definitions of archaic King James words, many Christians simply buy a modern version of the Bible. This is a big mistake.
David Daniels, B.A., M.Div., is trained in Bible and linguistics. After twenty years of searching the Scriptures and studying the history of the Bible, he has concluded that the King James Bible is God's preserved words in English.
So rather than settling for a corrupt, inferior Bible version, all Christians should learn the meaning of less-familiar King James words. This little book makes it easy. Just slip it in the back of your Bible. When you run across an unfamiliar word, look it up.
This handy tool will increase your knowledge and better equip you to "rightly divide the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).