Young Man, Be Strong! - Book (softcover)
- Paper cover
- 246 pages
- 0.646 lbs
Item #1-2486-3
Also available in the "Young Man, Be Strong!" Study Set.
Good character is like steel in a concrete structure. You can't see the steel reinforcement in the concrete, but without it the concrete is weak....
Good character is not what a person says or pretends to be. It's what he really is beneath the surface....
Character is produced by the principles that you allow to rule your life.... It's not what you talk about but what you put into practice in your everyday living.
What you practice is what you will become. If you live nobly, you will have noble character. If you live selfishly, your character will be selfish.
So, young man, your character is largely the result of your choices....
This book is written to help you make those choices that will build strong, solid character. Day by day and year by year, your character can be strengthened as you yield to God's training. This brings glory to Him, is a strengthening influence to others, and will bring true satisfaction to you with eternal rewards.
Table of Contents
- It's Your Day
- When It's Your Turn
- Set Your Goals
- Know Your Enemy
- What Everybody Needs
- What You Need to Do
- Know Your God
- Developing Respectable Character
- Developing Generous Character
- Developing Respectful Character
- Four Emotional Pitfalls
- Learning to Communicate
- Home Relationships
- Church Relationships
- Purity Can Make You Strong
- What You Read
- Your Devotional Life
- Music and You
- Your Recreation Time
- If You Fail
- Learning to Manage Money
- What Should You Work?
- Developing Your Personality
- Don't Be Obnoxious
- Peer Pressure
- Preparing for Courtship
- Courtship
- What Christian Service Is for You
- Being a Soul Winner
- Young Man, Be Strong!