The True Christian

The True Christian

  • Hard cover
  • 242 pages
  • 1 lbs

Item #1-2446

  • $13.75
Out of stock

Exactly what does God expect of me as a Christian? Is He pleased with my life? Just how does He evaluate what I do and say?

Should a Christian be tempted with the temptations that I sometimes face?

Is my relationship with my friends and neighbors, brethren and sisters in the church, husband or wife satisfactory to the Lord?

I want to please God, to live right, to be faithful, to be ready to meet Him when I die. But am I accomplishing this goal?

Many Christians face questions such as these at some time in their lives. The Bible has the answers for them all and gives guidelines by which we need to measure ourselves as well as instructions and solutions to correct ourselves where we fail.

This book is based on the outline provided in Matthew's account of the Sermon on the Mount. It is written with the hope that the reader will find practical Scriptural answers to many questions such as those above that face the Christian in his daily life.

    • Weight
      1.00 lbs
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