Tina's Surprise Ride - and Other Stories
- Hard cover
- 128 pages
- 0.644 lbs
Item #1-2429
When Mother, Tina, and Angela step onto the train that morning, they mean only to help Grandpa and Grandma carry their suitcase and find their seats. Then Mother and the girls plan to get off the train and go home. But just as Mother sets the suitcase down, the train suddenly begins to move. The train is leaving the station, and Mother and the girls are still on it! What will happen to them now?
Allen sees a new toy tractor and sprayer at the farm supply store, but Father says that toys cost money. If Allen is willing to pick enough strawberries to earn the money for the tractor and sprayer, Father will buy the toys. Allen agrees, but he soon discovers what a big job it is to pick that many berries. Will he stick to his job?
How can Paula use her playhouse to show hospitality? What should Karen say when her cousin chooses Karen's favorite white kitten to take along home? Should Dennis give away the bananas he likes so well? Who sees Philip fall into the dumpster and helps him get out?
Tina's Surprise Ride and Other Stories is a collection of twenty-three constructive stories for four- to seven-year-olds.
- 1. Tina's Surprise Ride
- 2. Allen Picks Berries
- 3. A Puzzle for Lydia
- 4. Surprise in the Cellar
- 5. The Favorite White Kitten
- 6. At Sister Mary's House
- 7. God Sent Help
- 8. Two Quarters for William
- 9. Paula's Playhouse
- 10. The Fix-It Man
- 11. Whoopie Pies for Dessert
- 12. The Broken Jacket Zipper
- 13. Just the Right Size
- 14. The Friendly Fireman
- 15. Melanie Forgives
- 16. The Nice Doll
- 17. Bethany's Turn
- 18. Where Is Toby?
- 19. Mother's Story
- 20. Lisa Decides
- 21. Dennis and the Bananas
- 22. Who Washed the Dishes?
- 23. Philip and the Dumpster