"Once Saved, Always Saved"—Truth or Delusion?
- Soft cover
- 143 pages
- 0.302 lbs
Item #1-2332
Many churchmen teach that once a person is born again by God's grace and has been made His child, he can never be lost. They say the saints are unconditionally, eternally secure.
We want to hear first what God says, and then test man's views by that. What does God say about the security of those who have become His children? Who are the true saints of God?
Is a person who disobeys what God says in His Word prepared to meet Jesus Christ in peace at His coming? What is sin? What effect does sin have on the life and security of the Christian?
What does the Bible say?
- Preface
- 1. The Beginning
- 2. What Does the Bible Say?
- 3. The Teachings of Jesus
- 4. What Does Paul Teach?
- 5. "Shall We Continue in Sin?": Romans 6
- 6. The Problem of the Will: Romans 7
- 7. Carnal Versus Spiritual: Romans 8
- 8. Peter Teaches Holiness of Life
- 9. The Evidence of Sonship
- 10. The Testimony of Hebrews
- 11. The Ifs in Salvation
- 12. "The Ways of Death"
- 13. The Call to Separation
- 14. The Security of the Sheep
- 15. The Sovereign God and Covenant Relationships
- 16. Moral Decadence in Society—Who Is to Blame?
- 17. A Prepared Place for a Prepared People
- 18. "Be Ye Also Ready"
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