Kitten in the Well
- Hard cover
- 241 pages
- 0.94 lbs
Item #1-2300
Words are broken into syllables, and pronunciation is included with harder words to help the beginning reader.
When Father brings Mae, a lonely little girl in Paraguay, a big white cat, that is the beginning of many happenings—some pleasant and some unpleasant.
Army ants, playing in the jungle, a kitten who goes to school, days of hard work digging a well, a bus that does something no bus should ever do, and a mad bull that runs wherever it wants to run are some of the things that make life interesting for Mae.
But in the end, Mae has the best playmate and pet that she could wish for.
She sings this song:
"O God, my Father,
I am so blest
Because You give me
Just what is best!"
Here is the introduction:
Boys and Girls:
This stor-y comes from far a-way. It comes from the land of Par-a-guay. Most of this stor-y real-ly hap-pened in one way or an-oth-er. Most of it hap-pened to Mae and her fam-i-ly.
Look on the map. Can you find the land where Mae lives?
- [Introduction]
- A-bout Mae
- A Cat for Mae
- Snow-ball Hunts a Nest
- Snow-ball's Sur-prise
- Sat-in Plays Doll
- Sat-in on the Trail
- Sat-in and Arm-y Ants
- Sat-in Goes to School
The Well
- Father Digs a Well
- Wa-ter in the Well
- Kit-ten in the Well
- Kit-ten out of the Well
The Long Bus Ride
- The Little, Old Bus
- The Bus Flies A-part
- On the Yel-low Bus
- Stuck in the Mud
- In the Vill-age
- All Night on the Bus
- Sur-prise at Joys' House
- On the Way Home
- She-ba on the Trail
- She-ba and the Horse
- She-ba and the Mad Bull
At the Well
- Mae and Her Pets
- Mae's Song from the Well