Just Thirteen
- Hard cover
- 321 pages
- 1.2 lbs
Item #1-2296
Pansy took one last breath of the tangy fall air and shut the window with a bang. "Glorious fall!" she exulted.... "Autumn, without a doubt, is the most wonderful time of the year. It makes me feel able to do anything."
A few minutes later downstairs in the kitchen, she announces exuberantly to her family, "I feel in my bones that today something great is going to happen."
Something did happen. In fact, Pansy is the kind of girl who seems to make things happen, although at this particular time, someone else brought the happening to pass.
But not all of Pansy's days are exciting as that day was. Consider this excerpt: Pansy sat limply on the stone porch step, wishing herself a thousand miles away,...—anywhere but on the Lauren farm in Ohio.
Pansy has just turned thirteen, and realizes that since she is now a teenager, she is on the way to growing up—and growing up means becoming a lady. But she is sure she is never going to be able to be the kind of lady she should be.
Her thirteenth year is an exciting and busy one with family fun and activities, school troubles and successes, and Christian parents to guide and steer Pansy through all that happens—an ideal situation for a lively girl who is Just Thirteen.
Good reading for 12- to 15-year-olds.
- 1. Someday
- 2. A Dress for Pansy
- 3. Frustrated Seamstress
- 4. The Little Folk
- 5. Confess With Thy Mouth
- 6. Strength to Stand
- 7. No Hope for Kurt
- 8. "Keep the Door of My Lips"
- 9. The Better Country
- 10. Without Mother
- 11. "We... Look for New Heavens"
- 12. Happy Submission
- 13. Love at Work
- 14. Tales in the Pickle Patch
- 15. Away from Home
- 16. Disastrous Cookout
- 17. The Hasty Tongue
- 18. Kirsten's Note
- 19. The Masterpiece
- 20. Chat With Mother
- 21. The Merry Melodists
- 22. Social Graces
- 23. Back-seat Driver
- 24. Dangerous Friday
- 25. In Which the Accident Brings Good Results
- 26. Another Chance
- 27. The Worst Out of the Year
- 28. Part of the Church