The Family God Gave
- Hard cover
- 268 pages
- 1.04 lbs
Item #1-2259
The Crawfords open their home to foster children of all races. Teaching on how God loves all the children of the world is carefully woven into the story.
"Tomorrow Mother and Father are going to fly all the way to El Salvador in a big airplane... and in one week I'll see my baby brother." Edward's blue eyes are bright with excitement.
But Edward's friend, Lowell, does not share his excitement. "I wouldn't want a dark-skinned brother," he announces. "I mean it. I wouldn't want a brother with chocolate skin."
But when Jonathan comes, even Lowell is excited about Edward and Regina's new little brother.
It is Regina's turn to be excited when Uncle Mark's bring a little girl who needs a father and mother. Her eyes dance! A new sister! Regina can think of nothing she would rather have.
But God's plans for the Crawford family are not finished yet, and their family continues to grow.
Then their whole world changes when they move to Guatemala. God's surprises keep on coming to the Crawford's, even to the last chapter of the book.
For readers from 7 to 11. Another good book to add to your library of Christian storybooks.
- 1. Chocolate Skin
- 2. Jonathan Comes Home
- 3. "They Are Precious in His Sight"
- 4. Lowell Comes to Visit
- 5. Regina's Favorite Day
- 6. Lowell Gives a Gift
- 7. A Lesson from Aunt Alice
- 8. Someone Is Missing
- 9. Children Without a Home
- 10. Mailbox Trick
- 11. Aunt Rachel Calls
- 12. Nothing but Crackers
- 13. What's in the Brown Bag?
- 14. Never Make Fun
- 15. Edward's Story
- 16. A Bad Example
- 17. Another Gift from God
- 18. More of God's Surprises
- 19. El Salvador
- 20. God Makes Room
- 21. "In Ev'ry Way Try to Please Him"
- 22. Regina's Story
- 23. Father's Secret
- 24. What About Dusky?
- 25. Lost
- 26. Home in Guatemala
- 27. A Funeral
- 28. The Surprise Package
- 29. Washday
- 30. Anthony's Father Visits
- 31. Good-by, Anthony
- 32. Missing Reflectors
- 33. A New Elena
- 34. A Hungry Baby
- 35. Gift at the Gate