Our Baby's Book
- Paper cover
- 32 pages
- 0.36 lbs
Item #1-2124
Size: 8.25" x 10.5"; 32 pages.
This simple, stapled book with colorful artwork is especially designed for Christian parents to record baby's development from birth to age 6. You will find space to record information about the baby's arrival, a family tree, how the first days go, guests, gifts, and travels. Health and dental records include a chart for heights and weights. Space for achievements, favorites, and activities call attention to the baby's progress. The final pages provide for a year-by-year record of the child's advancements and events. Short poems and Scripture verses encourage parents to seriously consider the sacred trust and precious privileges a child brings, for which parents daily need divine direction. In years to come, you will treasure this book filled with many precious memories.
- Arrival
- Announcements
- Features
- Prints of hands and feet
- Family tree
- Relatives
- First days
- First home
- First guests
- Cards and gifts
- Church attendance
- Travels and moving
- Health records
- Dental records
- Heights and weights
- Inspirations and meditations
- Baby discovers
- Baby progresses
- Baby walks
- Baby talks
- Bible stories and prayers
- Favorites and activities
- First Year
- One year
- Two years
- Three years
- Four years
- Five years
- Six years
- Memories
- [suggestions]