Grade 2 Music Workbook (Teacher

Grade 2 Music Workbook (Teacher's Guide inside)

  • Paper cover
  • 75 pages
  • 0.4 lbs

Item #1-18210

  • $4.75

36 lesson tear-out worksheets.

Beginning in Music 2 reviews and drills syllable shapes and kinds of tones. It is more advanced than Grade 1 in that the pupils learn to draw shaped notes and characters showing note values, and they are drilled in writing the names and values of the notes. Rests are included in Grade 2. Pupils learn to draw and label rests.

The teacher's guide (included) gives much helpful advice in developing the students' singing ability. A number of musical ideas are suggested as well as other methods of developing the student's diatonic feeling.

Supplementary items (not included):

    • Weight
      0.40 lbs
    • SKU
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