Grade 8 Spelling "Spelling by Sound and Structure" Set
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Item #1-168--
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Textbook | $13.50 | ||
Teacher's Manual | $17.40 | ||
This set includes: 2 items |
34 weekly lessons. Regular lessons present 20 new words, 5 review words, and 4 sections of exercises.
Part "A" acquaints the student with some Latin or Greek roots and their appearance in our words. Etymologies are studied with the help of a dictionary included in the back of the textbook. Near the end of the course, a few lessons teach words that show Spanish, German, and French influences in our language. Part "B" of each lesson exercises building words with affixes. Part "C" practices phonics details taught in earlier courses of this series. Part "D" is a series of studies on semantics and the history of the English language. Review lessons are spaced after 5 lessons, reviewing all the new words and skills. The answer key is in the teacher's guide.
Supplementary items (not included):
- Spelling Words and Sentences (optional multi-grade teacher's book for spelling tests)
- Grades 5-8 Spelling Word Lists
Table of Contents
Teacher Materials
- Phonetic Symbols Used in This Book
- Introduction
- Weekly Lesson Plans
- Weekly Spelling Tests
- Review and Final Test
- Suggestions For Additional Spelling Lessons
- Bibliography
- Spelling Words
- Latin and Greek Roots
- Affixes
Lesson 1
- Introduction
- Language Lineage - The Bible in Our Language
Lesson 2
- Roots: div, theo
- Affixes: -ion
- Language Lineage - Influence of the Printing Press
Lesson 3
- Roots: vita, bio, mort, patho
- Affixes: -tion, -sian
- Language Lineage - The Great Vowel Shift
Lesson 4
- Roots: bene, eu, mal, caco
- Affixes: -or, -ory, -ar, -ary
- Language Lineage - A Shifting Language
Lesson 5
- Roots: pIe, verb, logos
- Affixes: -ology
- Semantic Study: Functional Change
Lesson 6 (Review)
Lesson 7
- Roots: bi, cent, oct, quart, uni
- Affixes: Numerical Prefixes
- Language Lineage - English and the Renaissance
Lesson 8
- Roots: du, tri, tetra, penta, deca
- Affixes: anti-
- Language Lineage - English and the Reformation
Lesson 9
- Roots: magn, macro, mini, micro, quant, qual
- Affixes: syn-, sym-, a-, an-
- Language Lineage - William Tyndale's Translation
Lesson 10
- Roots: mod, metron, chron
- Affixes: apo-, cata-
- Language Lineage - The Influence of Shakespeare
Lesson 11
- Roots: forma, schema, speci, struct, typos
- Affixes: dia-, meta-
- Semantic Study: Weakening Words
Lesson 12 (Review)
Lesson 13
- Roots: not, gnos, cert
- Affixes: -ac, -ic, -ical
- Language Lineage - Standardization of the English Language
Lesson 14
- Roots: audi, phono, lumin, photo
- Affixes: -ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency
- Language Lineage - Johnson's Dictionary
Lesson 15
- Roots: cal, therm, frig
- Affixes: -ite
- Language Lineage - Webster's Dictionary
Lesson 16
- Roots: graph, scrib, script, littera
- Affixes: -itis
- Language Lineage - The Oxford Dictionary
Lesson 17
- Roots: popul, demos, urb, polis, civi
- Affixes: -as is, -otic
- Semantic Study: Doublets
Lesson 18 (Review)
Lesson 19
- Roots: scend, curr, curs
- Affixes: en-, em-, ex, ec
- Language Lineage - Modern Dictionaries
Lesson 20
- Roots: soma, psyche, pneuma
- Affixes: epi-
- Language Lineage - The Blue-Backed Speller
Lesson 21
- Roots: philo, sophos
- Affixes: para-, peri-
- Language Lineage - Spelling Revolution
Lesson 22
- Roots: physio, geo, hydro
- Affixes: ana-
- Language Lineage - Spelling Refinement
Lesson 23
- Roots: pract, dyna
- Affixes: -y, -ty, -ity, -ety
- Semantic Study: Euphemism
- Lesson 24 (Review)
Lesson 25
- Roots: gen, arch
- Affixes: -ant, -ent, -ist, -ast
- Language Lineage - American English and British English
Lesson 26
- Roots: Words of French Origin
- Affixes: -eer, -eur, -ee
- Language Lineage - British Vocabulary
Lesson 27
- Roots: Words of French Origin
- Affixes: -eau, -oir, -ois
- Language Lineage - American Dialects
Lesson 28
- Roots: Words of Spanish Origin
- Affixes: -ous
- Language Lineage - Pidgin English
Lesson 29
- Roots: Words of Spanish Origin
- Affixes: -ism
- Semantic Study: Folk Etymology and Back-Formation
Lesson 30 (Review)
Lesson 31
- Roots: Words of German Origin
- Affixes: -heit, -fest
- Language Lineage - Modern Communication
Lesson 32
- Roots: Words of Italian Origin
- Affixes: Plural of Italian Words Ending With O
- Language Lineage - Babel in Reverse?
Lesson 33
- Roots: Words Borrowed From American Indians
- Affixes: -ify, -efy, -ize
- Semantic Study: Common Proper Nouns
Lesson 34 (Review)
Final Test
- The Speller Dictionary