Grade 2 Math "Working Arithmetic" Set [3rd Ed]
- Paper cover
- 8.484 lbs
Item #1-132--
This set includes: | # in My Cart | ||
Workbook 1 | $10.20 | ||
Workbook 2 | $10.20 | ||
Workbook 3 | $10.20 | ||
Workbook 4 | $10.20 | ||
Teacher's Manual Workbooks 1-2 | $18.30 | ||
Teacher's Manual Workbooks 3-4 | $18.30 | ||
This set includes: 6 items |
This 3rd edition (2020) is not compatible with the 1992 edition. The basic concepts of this edition are much the same as the previous edition, but include improved Bible tone, a greater variety of pictures, and more drill. Read about changes in Rod and Staff's revised Grade 2 Math curriculum...
The 170 lessons in Grade 2 are bound in four workbooks. Unit 1 reviews addition and subtraction facts through 10, and other skills taught in Grade 1. Unit 2 teaches all the addition and subtraction factions for the 11s, 12s, and 13s, and carrying and borrowing as well. Unit 3 teaches the 14s and 15s, and Unit 4 teaches the 16s, 17s, and 18s. Continuous review is built into the lessons, and simple reading problems are practiced frequently. Speed drills are included in the workbooks. Money, time, and measures are reviewed; pounds and ounces are introduced, along with one-dollar bills. Calendars, graphs, and quarter-hour and five-minute time increments are taught.
A reproducible, supplemental pack for the course contains patterns, individual student flash cards (families 11-18), graphs, and "My 1,000 Book."
A total of 432 reproducible, tear-out sheets also provide extra practice for each student. These are separated into two books; quizzes for the whole course are contained in Book 1.
The teacher's manual comes in two hardcover volumes, Units 1 and 2 in Book 1, and Units 3 and 4 in Book 2. The manual is essential for class time instructions and for directions for workbooks, practice sheets, and supplemental items. A reduced copy of the pupil's lessons, speed drills, quizzes, and practice sheets are included with answers filled in.
Speed drills are included in the workbooks.
Supplementary items (not included):
Contents of Teacher's Manuals
- Materials for This Course
- An Overview of This Course
- The Teacher's Manual
- The Pupil's Workbook
- Checking and Grading
- Speed Drills
- Practice Sheets
- Directions for Practice Sheet Forms
- Directions for Practice Sheets
- Quizzes
- The Whole Number and Its Two Parts
- Hand Signals
- Scheduling Arithmetic Class
- Teaching Aids
- My 1,000 Book
- Number Line
- Money
- Clock
- Place Value Chart
- Thermometer
- Flash Cards
- Flash Card Drills
- Boat Poster
- Clover Patch Poster
- Blossom Charts
- Instructions for Teaching the Triplets
- Explanation of Families 11-18
- New Skills Listed by Lessons
Unit 1, Lessons 1 - 40
- 1. Count to 50
"After" numbers
Whole and parts concept
Addition Families 2-4- 2. Count to 100
Largest number
Addition Family 5
Missing numbers in facts- 3. Count 51 to 150
Addition Family 6
Fractions ½, ⅓, ¼- 4. Count 101 to 200
Clocks: __:00- 5. Count 201 to 250
Mental math- 6. "Before" numbers
Addition Family 7- 7. Facts with +1
Place value—hundreds, tens, ones- 8. Story problems: in all, altogether
Adding 2-digit numbers- 9. Penny and cent sign
- 10. Subtraction Families 2-4
- 11. Subtraction Family 5
Adding 2 digits + 1 digit- 12. Subtraction Family 6
- 13. Counting by 10's
Facts with -1
Story problems: left- 14. Smallest number
- 15. Fractions ⅓, ⅔
Measuring inches
Subtraction Family 7
Subtracting 2 digits from 2 digits- 16. Counting dimes
- 17. 12 inches = 1 foot
Subtracting 1 digit from 2 digits- 18. Counting dimes and pennies
- 19. Addition Family 8
- 20. Before and After by 10's
- 21. Dozen
- 22. Counting by 5's
Subtraction Family 8- 23. Nickel
Subtracting Number Neighbors- 25. Addition Family 9
Adding 3-digit numbers- 26. Fractions ¼, 2/4, ¾
- 27. 60 minutes = 1 hour
Counting by 5's and 1's
Counting nickels and pennies- 28. Subtraction Family 9 facts
- 29. Drawing hands on clocks
Adding 3 digits and 2 digits- 30. Before and After by 5's
Story problems: both- 31. Addition Family 10
- 32. Adding 2 to a number
Counting by 25's- 33. Quarter
- 34. Subtraction Family 10
- 35. Count by 25's and 1's
Subtracting 3-digit numbers- 36. Subtracting 2
Counting quarters and pennies- 37. 30 minutes = ½ hour
- 38. Clocks: __:30
3 digits minus 2 digits- 39. Mixed fractions
- 40. Counting by 2's
Adding money
Unit 2, Lessons 41 - 82
- 41. (11) 9 2 triplet and facts
- 42. Addition: 3-digit answers
- 43. Missing whole or part
Subtraction: 3-digit minuends- 44. Before and After by 2's
Column addition- 46. Fifths
(11) 8 3 triplet and facts- 49. Counting dimes and nickels
Story problems: no key word- 51. (11) 7 4 triplet facts
- 53. Use of time
- 54. 3 two-digit addends
- 56. Thermometers
(11) 6 5 triplet and facts- 57. Sixths
- 61. Addition 11 facts in family order
- 62. Subtraction 11 facts in family order
Missing signs- 63. (12) 9 3 triplet and facts
Clocks: __:15- 65. Place value to thousands
- 67. Eighths
- 68. Story problems: column addition
(12) 8 4 triplet and facts
Addition with carrying to 10's place- 69. Counting quarters and nickels
- 70. Number strings with 3 numbers
- 72. Story problems: still
- 73. (12) 7 5 triplet and facts
- 74. Tenths
- 76. Clocks: __:45
- 78. (12) 6 6 Triplet and facts
- 79. Story problems: sum
- 81. Addition 12 facts in family order
- 82. Subtraction 12 facts in family order
- Practice Sheets Book 1 Answer
- Quizzes Answer Key
- Index of New Skills—Where They Are First Introduced
- Materials for This Course
- Teaching Aids
- Instructions for Teaching the Triplets
- Explanation of Families 11-18
- New Skills Listed by Lessons
Unit 3, Lessons 83 - 123
- 83. (13) 9 4 triplet and facts
- 84. Circle and square
- 85. Triangle
- 86. 2/2 = 1 whole
- 87. Column addition with carrying
- 88. Rectangle
- 90. (13) 8 5 triplet and facts
3/3 = 1 whole- 91. Subtraction with borrowing
- 93. Reading calendars
- 94. Story problems: total
- 96. Rulers: adding inches
- 97. (13) 7 6 triplet and facts
4/4 = 1 whole- 98. Adding and subtracting 10
- 99. Dollar signs and decimal point
- 101. Subtraction: How much more?
- 102. Story problems: How many more?
- 103. 5/5 = 1 whole
Addition 13 facts in family order- 104. Subtraction 13 facts in family order
- 105. (14) 9 5 triplet and facts
Drawing lines to specific inches- 106. Number strings with 4 numbers
- 108. 6/6 = 1 whole
- 109. Counting coins
for the cost of an item- 110. Clocks: __:05, __:10
- 111. Dividing numbers into halves
- 112. Story problems: 2-digit computation
(14) 8 6 triplet and facts- 113. 8/8 and 10/10 = 1 whole
- 114. Addition with carrying twice
- 115. Story problems with dollar signs
- 116. 6 things = ½ dozen
- 117. Story problems:
1 dozen and ½ dozen- 119. (14) 7 7 triplet and facts
Coins that total more than $1.00- 120. Story problems: difference
- 122. Addition 14 facts in family order
- 123. Subtraction 14 facts in family order
Unit 4, Lessons 124 - 170
- 124. Measuring to a half inch
(15) 9 6 triplet and facts- 125. 7 days = 1 week
- 126. 12 months = 1 year
- 127. 2 pints = 1 quart
- 128. Clocks: __:20, __:25
- 129. Counting dollars and dimes
Even and odd numbers- 131. (15) 8 7 triplet and facts
Story problems: How much less- 132. Number strings with 5 numbers
3 feet = 1 yard- 133. 4-digit sums
- 134. Counting dollars and nickels
- 136. 4 quarts = 1 gallon
- 137. Addition 15 facts in family order
Drawing lines to a half inch- 138. Subtraction 15 facts in family order
- 139. Counting dollars and quarters
(16) 9 7 triplet and facts- 140. Fractions that equal ½
- 141. Subtraction with 4-digit minuends
- 142. Place value to ten thousands
3-digit subtraction with borrowing- 143. Bar graph
- 145. Counting dollars and pennies
- 146. (16) 8 8 triplet and facts
- 147. 16 ounces = 1 pound
- 148. Rounding to nearest ten
- 149. Addition and Subtraction
16 facts in family order- 150. Rounding numbers ending in 5
(17) 9 8 triplet and facts- 154. Line graphs
- 156. Addition and Subtraction
17 facts in family order- 157. (18) 9 9 triplet and facts
- 160. Addition and Subtraction
18 facts in family order- Practice Sheets Answer Keys
- Quizzes Answer Keys
- Index of New Skills—Where They Are First Introduced