Math Facts Speed Drills Packet
- 78 pages
- 0.552 lbs
Item #1-13071
78 reproducible blackline sheets with 100 problems each.
These versatile speed drills provide you with an efficient way to drill number facts, regardless of the curriculum or grade level. There are graduated levels in each of the four processes and 10 sheets with mixtures of the processes. Fact families are oriented up to the 18 family in addition and subtraction and up to the 12 family in multiplication and division. An instruction manual and answer key is included.
Begin using these drills as early as second grade. Use easy ones to start timing them for 5 minutes. As the students improve and as new facts are learned, decrease the amount of time and use higher level drills. Fourth graders should be able to do any of the drills in this packet (depending on the curriculum used). Fifth graders should be able to complete any drill in three minutes with a passing grade. By seventh grade, the only limitation should be how fast they can write the answers.
Drills can be reused on the same students. Since there are so many facts on each sheet, they cannot remember them from one time to another. By the time you use all the sheets of one setting, you can easily start over and reuse them.
- Up to family 6
- Up to family 10
- Up to family 14
- Up to family 18
- 11-18 families
- Up to family 6
- Up to family 10
- Up to family 14
- Up to family 18
- 11-18 families
- Up to family 6
- 7-12 families
- Up to family 10
- 11-12 families
- Up to family 12
- Up to family 6
- 7-12 families
- Up to family 10
- 11-12 families
- Up to family 12
- Up to 10 Multiplication and Division families
- Up to 12 Multiplication and Division families