Grade 4 English "Building With Diligence" Set
- 5.19 lbs
Item #1-124--
This set includes: | # in My Cart | ||
Pupil Textbook | $22.75 | ||
Worksheets | $4.95 | ||
Tests | $3.95 | ||
Teacher's Manual | $30.60 | ||
This set includes: 4 items |
Pupil's Textbook
This book has 127 lessons divided into 11 chapters. The first two chapters deal with understanding sentence structures and types. Chapters 3-8 and Chapter 10 focus on seven parts of speech—nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. Chapter 9 teaches concepts about punctuation. Chapter 11 concludes the course with lessons on capitalization, the dictionary, synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. Interspersed throughout the book are 33 composition lessons. Continual review is built into the lessons. This English course is designed for approximately 150 minutes of class time per week.
In a typical lesson, the lesson text explains and illustrates the new concepts. In the exercises, the "Oral Drill" is intended for oral practice in class. The written work is often divided into "Written Practice" (exercises on the present lesson) and "Review and Practice" (exercises on concepts taught previously). An occasional "Challenge Exercise" provides additional work that may be done for extra credit or assigned to more able students.
Chapter Reviews at the end of each chapter provide a review of the material taught in that chapter and prepare the students for the chapter tests.
Teacher's Manual
The Teacher's Manual has reduced copies of the pupil's text, the worksheets, and the tests. The answers are in the shaded area beside the exercises. Each lesson in the Teacher's Manual begins by stating the "Purpose" of the lesson. Following the "Purpose," some lessons include a section entitled "Teacher," which is for the teacher's information and awareness.
Beginning in Lesson 4, a section called "Oral Review" follows "Teacher." The review exercises in this part are intended to be used at the beginning of the class period; they review concepts already taught and get the pupil's minds ready for the new English lesson.
Some lessons have a "Written Quiz" after "Oral Review." These quizzes provide written review and drill on important concepts. Both the "Oral Reviews" and the "Written Quizzes" are optional. Suggestions for "Presenting the Lesson" are given next, followed by occasional "Extra Practice."
We have a booklet of 68 worksheets. This may be used as a workbook, or the sheets may be copied. If the pupils seem to need further drill and review, we strongly encourage the teacher to use these extra materials.
A test booklet with tear-out pages provides a test for each of the five units.
Table of Contents
(Bold indicates oral and written composition lessons.)
Chapter 1 - Subjects and Predicates
- 1. Getting Acquainted With Your English Book
- 2. Getting Organized
- 3. Learning About Sentences
- 4. Finding the Simple Predicate
- 5. Verb Phrases
- 6. Learning to Observe and Listen
- 7. Finding the Simple Subject
- 8. Pronouns and Noun Phrases
- 9. Diagramming Sentence Skeletons
- 10. Compound Subjects and Predicates
- 11. Diagramming Compound Subjects and Predicates
- 12. The Paragraph
- 13. Speaking Clearly
- 14. Chapter 1 Review
Chapter 2 - Kinds of Sentences
- 15. Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentences
- 16. Statements: Sentences That Give Information
- 17. Diagramming Statements
- 18. Questions: Sentences That Ask for Information
- 19. Diagramming Questions
- 20. Combining Sentences
- 21. Commands: Sentences That Tell You to Do Something
- 22. Diagramming Commands
- 23. Exclamations: Sentences That Show Strong Feeling
- 24. Review of Sentences
- 25. Writing Sentences of Different Lengths
- 26. Chapter 2 Review
Chapter 3 - Nouns
- 27. What Is a Noun?
- 28. Common Nouns and Proper Nouns
- 29. Compound Nouns and Noun Phrases
- 30. Learning About Poetry
- 31. Singular Nouns and Plural Nouns
- 32. More Plural Nouns
- 33. Irregular Plural Nouns
- 34. Topic Sentences and Titles
- 35. Unity and Order
- 36. Chapter 3 Review
Chapter 4 - Verbs
- 37. Action Verbs
- 38. The Verb Be
- 39. Helping Verbs and Verb Phrases
- 40. Developing Paragraphs by Giving Examples
- 41. Verbs Show Tense
- 42. Agreement of Subjects and Verbs
- 43. Past Forms of Regular Verbs
- 44. Developing Paragraphs by Using Steps
- 45. Past Forms of Irregular Verbs
- 46. More About Irregular Verbs
- 47. Past Forms That Need Helpers
- 48. Writing Directions
- 49. Chapter 4 Review
Chapter 5 - Using Verbs Correctly
- 50. Action Verbs With Direct Objects
- 51. Action Verbs Without Direct Objects
- 52. Nouns After the Verb Be
- 53. Using Raise and Rise
- 54. Using Lay and Lie
- 55. Taking Notes for a Report
- 56. Using Set and Sit
- 57. Using Let and Leave
- 58. Contractions
- 59. Using Don't and Doesn't
- 60. Using Can, May, Teach, and Learn
- 61. Writing a Book Report
- 62. Choral Reading
- 63. Chapter 5 Review
Chapter 6 - Pronouns
- 64. Pronouns Stand for Nouns
- 65. Subject Pronouns
- 66. Object Pronouns
- 67. Pronouns in the Predicate
- 68. Writing a Story From a Picture
- 69. Using the Correct Pronoun
- 70. Possessive Pronouns
- 71. Plural Pronouns
- 72. Using Pronouns Correctly
- 73. This, That, These, and Those
- 74. The Parts and Form of a Friendly Letter
- 75. Addressing an Envelope
- 76. Chapter 6 Review
Chapter 7 - Adjectives
- 77. Adjectives
- 78. Possessive Nouns Used as Adjectives
- 79. Possessive Pronouns Used as Adjectives
- 80. Giving an Oral Book Report
- 81. Adjectives That Compare
- 82. Using Adjectives That Compare
- 83. Irregular Adjectives That Compare
- 84. Writing a Story
- 85. What to Write in a Friendly Letter
- 86. Chapter 7 Review
Chapter 8 - Adverbs
- 87. Adverbs
- 88. Adverbs in Sentences
- 89. Telling How to Do Something
- 90. Adverbs That Compare
- 91. Using Good and Well
- 92. Negative Words
- 93. Rhyme in Poetry
- 94. Rhythm in Poetry
- 95. Chapter 8 Review
Chapter 9 - Punctuation
- 96. End Punctuation
- 97. Abbreviations
- 98. Telling a Story
- 99. Commas
- 100. Commas in Addresses and Dates
- 101. Making Introductions
- 102. Direct and Indirect Quotations
- 103. Direct Quotations: Quotation Last
- 104. Direct Quotations: Quotation First
- 105. Conversation in Stories
- 106. Descriptive Words in Poetry
- 107. Chapter 9 Review
Chapter 10 - Prepositions and Conjunctions
- 108. Prepositions
- 109. Prepositional Phrases Used as Adjectives
- 110. Prepositional Phrases Used as Adverbs
- 111. Dividing a Longer Story Into Paragraphs
- 112. Diagramming Prepositional Phrases
- 113. Prepositions and Adverbs
- 114. Conjunctions
- 115. Parts of Speech Review
- 116. Writing a Story From a Poem
- 117. Chapter 10 Review
Chapter 11 - Capitalization and Dictionary Use
- 118. Capitalization
- 119. Capitalizing Names and Titles
- 120. Writing a Story About a Personal Experience
- 121. Using the Telephone
- 122. Using the Dictionary
- 123. Spellings and Meanings in the Dictionary
- 124. Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms
- 125. Being Clear and Specific
- 126. Bible Poetry
- 127. Chapter 11 Review