Grade 1 Wall Charts [3rd Ed]
- 0.96 lbs
Item #1-111864
Wall charts for Grade 1 Reading (3rd Edition). Not compatible with the 2nd edition (1985-1986).
27 sheets; 8.5" × 11"; coated on the front for easier handling
This set of charts will aid the children in remembering various spellings and rules. Post charts where they can be easily referred to as the Phonics teacher's manual calls for them.
The numbers indicate the unit:lesson in which they are used.
Lists of letter sequences containing a consonant, followed by the vowels a, e, i, o, and u:
- 1:11 s- | 1:12 t- | 1:14 m-
- 2:2 c/k- | 2:5 b- | 2:6 f-
- 2:8 n- | 2:9 y- | 2:11 p-
- 2:12 w- | 2:13 h- | 2:14 r-
- 2:16 g- | 2:17 l- | 2:18 d-
- 2:18 [illustration for remembering shapes of b p d]
- 2:19 v- | 2:21 j- | 2:22 -x
- 2:23 z- | 2:24 qu-
General rules:
- 3:11 - 1. We see an e at the end. / gāte cūte
- 3:11 - 2. We see 2 vowels together. / lēaf līe
- 3:11 - 3. We see 1 vowel. It is at the end. / mē nō sky (ī)
- 4:2 - 4. We see a special ending. / chīld kīnd / pōst cōld cōlt rōll
Special rules:
- 3:15 At the end of a short-vowel word / -ss -ff -ll -zz -ck
- 3:30 blend: 2 letters—2 sounds / st fl sm gr cr sp / -ft -xt -nd -ct -lt -st
- 4:1 ī / īld īnd
- 4:2 ō / ōst ōlt ōld ōll
- 4:5 Digraph: 2 letters—1 sound / Consonant digraphs: sh th ch wh ng ck / Vowel digraphs: ai ay ee ea ie oa oe ow ew ue oo
- 4:7 ou / cow howl down
- 4:8 Diphthongs / ou ow oi oy
- 4:11 Vowels With r / ûr er ir ur / är ar / ôr or
- 4:14 ô / dog ball saw Paul
- 4:17 -s -es / Add s unless the word ends with... -xes -ses -shes -ches
- 4:19 Sounds of -ed / looked (t) / spelled (d) / printed (ed)
- 4:22 Sounds of y / yes (y) / by (ī) / happy (ē)
- 4:23 c = s / ce fence / ci city / cy cycle
- 4:24 g = j / ge page / gi gingerbread / gy gypsy moth
- 5:18 More Vowels With r / ûr ear wor / âr air are ear / îr eer ear / ôr oar
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